Friday, October 30, 2009

Two is Better Than One

Sigh. Im in love with the song the Taylor Swift and Boys Like Girls sang (: . Anyways. Im sooo sorry that i've not update for sooo long. Its been a week plus since exam started. And dad didnt let me use the com. grrr. Its been a busy busy week for me. Exam only finishes next week. ugh. All i need now is a break now.

Its Halloween today! (:
Was suppose to go Zouk later tonight for some Halloween event,and AAR's concert ): . DAMN! But there're some changes in the end. Grandma's in the hospital. I gotta be there more often. Yeah. Mina,Sam and ChoyMay's goin for the concert. Not to mention im gonna miss all the fun. hmph.
Oh yeah! there were some stuff we did before Deepavali (: .

  • We went to Sunway to celebrate Putri,Scott and Nicole's birthday. We went ice-skating :D than shopping!

  • Sammy stayed over at my place later that day.

  • Went to Veeni's house for Deepavali open house.

  • Met ChoyMay and Mina (: . Jo was there too,with eddy!

  • Went to Scott's house for his other birthday party.

I'll try to make it for your awards night wookay (:
Gotta log off now. I'll update soon! (:


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

To all PMR candidates (:

Good Luck in ya PMR :D
I know exactly how it feels like being in that situation.
You're all fired up.
Probably wanting to grab a knife and to just stab yaself (:
I've been there.
Done that (: .
Next thing ya know.
This specialy goes to
(♥Putri. Sammy. Joanne. Matthew. Brandon. Scotty.Nicole♥)
I watched Titanic today. Romantic much. And,i cried :(. bohooo. Tsk,whatever.
I need those pair of heels.
Signing off!