Putri tried puttin toothpaste on her GIGANTIC pimple the other day,and its gone within 24hours! Amazingg! She then bragged bout it to us after school bout how cool the effect was. So i went home,did what she did. YES. I put Colgate all over my face. LMAO. It burned like crap! Not to mention i looked ridiculous too. lol. But it was worth it! My face look silky smooth now (: . Wheeeeeeeee. And i wasnt the only one who did it. Sammy,Pam and Lilly took Putri's idea too. ahah. It worked on them too! I know its stupid. But beauty is pain,no? (: haha
So people!
Guys and Girls out there!
Works uperb fast than any other stupid ol' zit cream (:
So yeah,dad was thinking lately,bout me taking piano lessons. He thinks it'll be pretty cool if i can pull it off. Im not so sure bout it yet,cause playing the guitar's enough for me already. Dad will always be like "when your brother gets married,you can play all sorts of romantic songs for me and mumy! And his newly wedd wife!!" Dadddddd -.-. Ugh. I'll think bout it. Gotta go. School starts tmrw. Darn it.
Oh oh!
Im in love with oldies vintage-ee cams (:
