Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009
im gonna die soon (:
Shot taken by me
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday blues

Its was superb cool! Its a much watch in your movie list (: . Not to mention the leading actor, Channing Tatum,totaly made me drool. His sooo hot,yes? haha. The whole entire movie i was pretty much screaming and whining at my brother's ear when the action all started. im soo sorry John :). you know i love you. LOL.
Reena has been outta school for around 2 weeks already i guess. Things has been a lil different since she's been gone. Like the fact im gettin use to beein alone in class now without her. Not having her with me now its like beein in a cave for centuries. ugh. total suicide. Reena if you're reading this,just so you know girl,i miss you(:
Anyways. Thats it for today peeps. Lazy to blog laah. LOL :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
TTYS people (: